Wednesday 12 December 2012

Comic-con, charity and Chosen Ones

So it's been a while since I posted anything which is not related to my work here and I decided, this being a momentous day (12-12-2012) and all that crap, I should write on my blog. Also, I'm bored.

So first off: Comic-Con. The local one. I had a great partner, who I shared the table with and the person in front of me was nice enough to come and introduce herself and stuff, so this, right off the start, was immediately better than the British one; where people would look at you cock eyed and the staff asks participants for directions. Also, I sold half the stock I brought with me, so Ryan is a happy bunny. (That comment was for exactly 2 people and its gonna come bite me back in the ass.)

Secondly: I may have promised that if I reached a 1000 blog views and 100 twitter followers (Don't give a shit about facebook. Take that Zuckerberg or however your name is spelt) I will release the working title of Book 2 from the Legacy series. I have reached the blog views and I'm only 19 followers away on twitter. So come one guys. (Work harder goddamit!!)

Trois: I am working on another short-story series/ fanfiction crap-thing-that-I-do-when-I-finish-all-assignments-(well mostly)-and-don't-wanna-deal-with-thesis-or-lectures. This one is set on the Star Wars: The clone Wars universe/ Cartoon network series. I have one part in called Training Day and the second one should be up tomorrow unless I forget.

Q: but why Ryan? Why Star Wars?
R: Because I can
Q: are you really that big of a nerd?
R: Yes. Now get off my dick!!!

Oh yeah. For those of you who are interested, me and a couple of students of mine are going to do a Star Wars-esque sword fight. Wednesday 19th Bugibba Piazza. They're Jedi. I'm an invading Sith Lord. With face paint. Lots and lots of scary face paint. I'm just saying; It will be epic.

Also, if you wanna buy my book; it's available on Amazon, just type in my name. Same thing with Smashwords. And leave a cocking review. Just a couple of lines. Or an essay. Whatever.

AAANNNDDD. . . . It will be available this weekend at the Access Centre (at Qawra) on Friday, Saturday and Sunday for the Christmas Village. Half the proceeds will go to charity. L-Istrina, for those of you who watch it. I might this year, just to hear my name/club be mentioned. (Oh stop judging, you watching it cos your family makes you watch it, or cos you wanna win a car or something. OR cos you're a boring douche-bag with no personality, who lets the Man tell you what to watch even when you're drunk at home on New Year's Day, you sad loser fuck).

Please buy my book and help the ones in need. Help yourself too with a healthy dose of literature. Just so you know, your kids are doing everything BUT read on the internet. Just sayin'.

Last thing before I go away. I have entered a short story competition for Writer's Digest and I'll get to know whether I won or not (chances are not) in February. I however, because I'm a left wing anarchist who say a big 'FUCK OFF' to all the rules, will post it on this blog. It's called Genesis and I shall be using a modified (editied) version of it as the prologue for my next series of novels which are more sci-fi based.

That's all folks. Stay sharp for Part 2 of my Star wars short story, as well as Genesis, and follow me on Twitter (@enkousma) and facebook (RyanAuthor).

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